Authentic Generation


Raise an Authentic Generation for Everlasting Impact!


To transform and make an everlasting impact in the lives of our youth and young adults so as to raise up an authentic generation according to the principles of the Kingdom of God, thus resulting in a holistic outcome for our nation.


Jesus is Love – Zezi I Lanmour!




> To gather youth and young adults for Jesus without discrimination.
> Reach out to youth and young adults, pulling them away from the negative lifestyle whilst offering them an alternative
> To educate and empower youth and young adults on the different issues of life while raising awareness in alignment with God’s word.

The Everlasting Love Ministry’s has a dedicated youth and young adult ministry that aim to reach out and bring love and hope to them. The youth and young adult ministry’s primary objective is to empower them through a comprehensive development program that offers a common core progressive content and also allows for acquisition of specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes through a merit or proficiency program.
The latter is geared towards individual assessment of likes and fosters taking responsibility for one’s own growth and development in the following areas: intellectual, social, physical, spiritual and moral.


Youth and Young Adults Conference 2022

We are the Authentic Generation, and together we stand on the Word to make a difference.
This past weekend was what we truly call an encounter with God through words of truth spoken by speakers from the Everlasting Love Ministry. “We know sin by its name and we do not compromise,” the youths said. This authentic generation will not compromise on what is wrong. We will not allow drugs, alcohol, or sexual immorality to continue to wreak havoc on the lives of our youth in Seychelles. We are here to reach out to you, wherever you are, from these traps, and tell you that there is hope. Come back to the arms of your father in heaven, who is waiting for you. Be part of this authentic generation and say “enough is enough!”

The youth and young adults of the Everlasting Love Ministry are raised to be a voice in this nation and for generations to come. What is wrong is wrong and should be addressed with the truth that we speak. Sins are sins. Legalizing sin doesn’t make it right. We say, come out of sin and repent. We are all in this world, but we are not part of it. We are a chosen generation and there is no limitation to saying to you out there that we are coming and we are coming in one accord with the truth and nothing but the truth.

When we say we do not compromise, it means we do not associate ourselves with the world, we associate ourselves with the kingdom of God’s principles, and we are reaching out to you out there to join and be part of this “Authentic Generation” for the kingdom of God is at hand. It is settled!
Below are some pictures of the three days Conferences.