Bible Study Topic – Looking Unto Jesus

Reading: Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 to 2 NKJV, 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 NKJV

In Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 to 2, as believers the believer is told to “lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us…”. Whatever stumbling block that is affecting our spiritual progress, we are called to lay it aside. Or else it will block the divine purpose that God has for our life. Anything that is keeping us away from God’s purpose (friend, TV etc) we need to let it go. We are called to “lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word”, which is able to save our souls (refer James chapter 1 verse 21).

As the ‘new man’, we are supposed to be addicted only to the Word of God. We need to adopt the core basic fundamentals of the Word and align ourselves to it. The Word of God is the most powerful weapon that we have going for us and it is a believer’s biggest defense when the enemy attacks.

According to 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 NKJV  ” if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” The ‘old man’ has become ‘new  and his soul needs to be renewed by the Word of God. He is designed by God to be like Christ.

One of the traits of the ‘new man’ is that he know longer thinks of ‘me, myself and I’. He no longer looks to the things of this world but looks to Jesus, the author and finisher of his faith. He has put to death the traits of the ‘old man’.

The ‘new man’ has to redirect his thoughts and emotions to Jesus. The aspirations of Jesus becomes the ‘new man’s aspirations. He looks to Jesus for ‘the plan’; Jesus has a specific plan and mandate for each believer.

The ‘new man’ has to be conscious that he has a cloud of witnesses (refer to Hebrews chapter 11) surrounding him. These witnesses (patriarchs) set the way for us believers and they desired to receive the promise that God has prepared, which they cannot receive without us (refer Hebrews chapter 11 verse 39 to 40). We, as the ‘new man’ are called to endure the race that is set before us and complete what the patriarchs have started.

1 Corinthians chapter 13 talks about the unconditional love of God. You cannot say you are walking in love if you are suspecting evil on people.  It then means that you are still waking as the ‘old man’.

The ‘new man’ is quick to hear but slow to speak.  He is also an edifier; when he speaks, the hearer will always come out better.

Dynamics of faith in the ‘new man’

  • The ‘new man’ is a faith man
  • He will not take ‘no’ for an answer, irrespective of the outcome. If God and His Word has promised something, he will hold on to it since the Word says the promises of God is ‘yes and amen’.
  • He has the consciousness that he is on the winning side and that he is empowered by the Spirit of Jesus
  • He talks differently – in every situation, he claims the promises of God
  • He doesn’t think of himself more highly than others (refer Romans chapter 12 verse 3)
  • He has the spirit of faith and speaks according to what he believes (refer 2 Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13)
  • He takes authority according to the spirit of faith/authority that the Word gives him


Further Reading:

  • Book of Mark (the power of Jesus)


Presented by Pastor Karl Labiche

E.L.M. Staff

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