Bible Study Topic-Ministering to one another with love

As a Christian do you acknowledge your weakness? If so how do you deal with it? Do you ask God to help you with your weakness? Do you have an accountability partner a brother or sister in Christ by which you share your struggles? What if the role was the other way around whereby you had to correct a brethren in his weakness? How do you do it and why do you do it? In Proverbs 27:7 the word “Iron sharpens iron so one man sharpens another” shows a visual illustration on friendship and accountability in the believer’s community. Both pieces of metal needs to sharpen each other for both of them to be effective and useful tools. All believers should have the patience to work with another and be responsible for another in other words having a character to discipline or minister to one another.  In the urban dictionary; ministering to someone means to take care and to serve.

Words of encouragement are important in ministering as so is preaching the gospel. Ephesians Chapter 4 gives clear instructions about how believers should live and minister. When you are angry do not sin, do not let your anger turn to wrath, do not steal, do not let corrupt communication come from your mouth (unwholesome talk, gossip, slander, lies etc..) . In verse 29 states how words are used to edify and how it can minister unto hearers. In today’s community hearers are believers and non-believers also and which we must be careful of what we speak as in James 3: 9-10 says “With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be”

Ministering is also related to serving by identifying the need of the person and addressing the need. For instance; if a brother is hungry will only by quoting a verse from the bible to him fill his belly or by offering the brother something to eat first addresses his need in this situation. That is why it is important to know how to minister. However one also has to let go of any bitterness, hatred and rage as explained in Ephesians 4: 31 and this will also enable you to better serve others.

Verse to ponder

2 Peter 1: 3-11

Ephesians 4

Proverbs 27: 7


Presented by Apostle Jude Fred

E.L.M. Staff

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