Everlasting Love Ministry – Celebrate His Glory Gospel Show

Psalm 150:1-6

“Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with the sound of the trumpet; praise him with the lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with stringed instruments and flutes! Praise him with loud cymbals; praise him with clashing cymbals! Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord!”

The above scripture is the epitome of what took place on the evening of Saturday 3rd October 2020 as both known and undiscovered talents poured out their hearts and vocals to glorify our Creator in the Celebrate His Glory Gospel Concert.

Artists such as Lirikalman Diferan, Shaine Farabeau, Debrah Jeannevole, Randolph Camille, Robert Moumou, Ak Johnson and others got the audience moving in their chairs as their rhythmic repertoires resonated in the room. The audience did not only get to enjoy the performances of Seychelles’ renown gospel artists but was also enthralled by the vocals of the newcomers on the scene, such as Julio, Agnielle, Stephanie, Lauren, Angelique Bastienne, Criff Pharabeau amongst many more representing artist from Mahe and Praslin. The artists were accompanied by Everlasting Sound band and The Ambassadors of RCCG Seychelles.

The gospel show, organized by the Everlasting Love Ministry (ELM), was hosted at the Eden Blue Hotel conference room, to celebrate not only ELM’s 10-year anniversary of existence but also to give glory to the Sovereign God for his goodness and mercy over Seychelles, especially as we go through this uncertain period of the COVID-19 pandemic and unpredictable economic environment.

Mr. Jude Fred, the Founder and Executive Chairperson of ELM, and the show’s organizing committee ensured that everything was in place, down to the last details, which also included complying with the measures put in place by the Health authorities in respect to the COVID-19 pandemic. This included registration of names and contact details at the points of entry, sanitizing of hands and wearing of masks throughout the show. The organizers have been commended by the Host and Health Authority in implementing the health protocols.

The ethereal effect of the lighting in the room created an ambience that got the audience expectant in their chairs as they waited for the artists, one by one, to come on stage to perform. Each performance was preceded by an introduction of the artist and song, from the Master of Ceremonies, Kevin Perine, done virtually on the video screen through an innovative technology. Mr. Perine also demonstrated his talent in poetry by delivering two poems, Mon rann ou Glwar and Selebre son Laglwar, which was a duet with Amani Sinon who also expressed her own poem entitled Annou Loue Senyer.

All the songs and poems delivered by the artists were originally composed by the artists themselves, proclaiming what God has done and conveying the message of hope that one has in God’s son, Jesus. During the event we also saw two young painters Lianna Richard and Greg Bradburn who expressed themselves with inspirational drawings while the artists performed.

ELM was founded in 2010 with the vision to reach out to the people of Seychelles to bring about love and hope to all, and transform lives for the better. The night ended with all artists participating in the theme song chosen for the Concert Kriy Lo Zezi. The Everlasting Love Ministry would like to thank everyone who in one way or another supported the organization in making this concert a huge success.

Written by Natalie Didon

E.L.M. Staff

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