Everlasting Love Ministry: New Year 2021 Crossover Service

Everlasting Love Ministry’s (ELM) New Year 2021 Crossover Service was held virtually on 31st December 2020 via Zoom and You Tube link https://youtu.be/-gFFMZGSvC0 in view of the restrictions on movement and large gatherings, announced by the President of Seychelles after the re-emergence of COVID-19 cases in the country. The service was presided by Apostle Jude Fred, with the assistance of Pastor Karl Labiche, who conducted the Lord’s Table and Pastor Kenny Perreau who lead the worship. Those following the service were also graced with the presence of Apostle Martin Burke all the way from South Africa, who sent his greetings and wishes to all at ELM.

The theme announced by Apostle Fred for the year 2021 was ‘Align and Position in order to Conquer’ with emphasis on the Restoration and Building of Strong Families.

The key message of Apostle Fred’s teaching centred around scripture in the Book of Romans, chapter 8 verse 37 which says “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us”. Sons and daughters of God need to align and position themselves in 2021 for them to conquer. Just as in the Book of Mark, chapter 1 verse 15, Jesus said “The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.”, now is the time for sons and daughters to turn away from their sins and align themselves to the Father. It is the time of repentance as the time of our Saviour, Jesus, draws near.

For us to conquer, we need to have a kingdom encounter, a real encounter with Jesus Christ.

An encounter implies a confrontation, i.e. confrontation with every spiritual darkness that is stopping a believer in Christ from having a kingdom encounter with God and from taking their position. Apostle Fred explained that a kingdom encounter takes place when people are confronted with the reality of Jesus, his kingship and the rule of God. They see the evidence first-hand through divine intervention that can only be explained by the power of God. They also have the opportunity to hear the Gospel message.

In the Gospel, Jesus went about exercising authority over diseases and demons and over the laws of nature. In his lavish demonstration of the Father’s love for His people, Jesus showed that the kingdom encounter is for everybody. To have a kingdom encounter, we need to have kingdom alignment.

In the Book of Luke, chapter 9 verse 23, Jesus said “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” To have a kingdom encounter, a person must deny his/her flesh, desires and put to death the things of the world. Alignment speaks of arranging and positioning one’s self according to a standard and as a believer, our standard is the Word of God. Kingdom alignment takes place as one chooses to follow Jesus and become his disciple. It speaks of submitting to a king and his rule in one’s life. Alignment is not a one-off decision but it consists of an ongoing life transformation and positioning ourselves to the Father’s purpose for our life.

Apostle Fred noted that as we journey in 2021, we have the opportunity to continue calibrating our lives to God’s word and His ways. God’s goal is for us to become like Jesus, a statement which we can make reference to in the Book of Romans, chapter 8 verse 29, “For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”  Our motivation should not be one of religious performance but one that arises from our love for Jesus, our honour for him and in our heart, a response to his grace.

To end his message, Apostle Fred noted that everything we do must be in order, according to the Book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 14 verse 40 where it says “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.” Apostle Fred called upon all members of ELM to work towards one goal in 2021 and that is to see the restoration of families, by bringing families together. He noted that his prayer is for all members and for those that come in the ministry, to have a kingdom encounter with God so that we can make an impact in our community and in Seychelles; that members will take the word of God with power and move from house to house, streets to streets, island to island to conquer and restore families and that we will be doers of the word, not complainers. He emphasized that for this to happen, it needs to start with each one of us as we dedicate our life to God and towards the advancement of His kingdom.

As the year 2020 crossed over into the year 2021, Apostle Fred declared the following prophesies for the year 2021, in the name of Jesus:

  • That lots of marriages will take place
  • Those trusting in God to find a partner to marry will find that person and get married
  • People that are divorced will be reconciled and there will be restoration of marriages
  • There will be new born as families are restored
  • Sons and daughters in drugs and alcohol will let go of their addiction and be restored.
  • That there will be kingdom order in families and in Seychelles; in the North, South, East, West and in the Centre of Seychelles
  • That there will be kingdom alignment in the body
  • That there will be no more delay for the land we are praying for, for the Hope Project (Centre for people in addiction)
  • That new ministries will be unwrapped in the lives of ELM’s sons and daughters and that there will be healing, restoration and deliverance wherever they are due to the anointing of God on them
  • The financial blessings of God will rest on the sons and daughters so that they can also sow into the kingdom of God
  • The protection of God will rest in every family and Seychelles
  • There will be ‘Shalom’ (peace) in our nation, in every family

There was also a specific prophetic message which Apostle Fred declared on someone’s life and that is, “You have been an Esther in the kingdom but your time to take position will happen because your king will locate you at the position of your promotion. You are in that Esther position for such a time as this. Rise up and conquer in the name of Jesus!”



E.L.M. Staff

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