“Everlasting Love Ministry Youth Ambassador’s Graduation” Hard work pays off!

The Everlasting Love Ministry (ELM) held the graduation ceremony of its Youth Ambassador’s Course sixth cohort on the 26th December 2020, with seven students who completed the course successfully. The course, which was first launched in 2011, is an annual initiative of ELM, aimed at empowering the youths to be agents of change in the society, by building up their moral and spiritual capacities to not only transform their own lives but also that of others, especially the youths engaged in anti-social activities in the community, amongst others.

All the students did well in their assignments but Mrs. Kimberley Bonne came out with the highest marks and was awarded with the Best Overall Student award for 2020.  “It has been very challenging but with perseverance and determination I was able to complete the course,” said Mrs. Bonne as she joyfully took home the much-coveted award.

The other students received awards in different categories as follows;

  • Best in Theory 2020 : Ropatra Gonthier
  • Best in Practical 2020 :Julio Freminot
  • Best Effort 2020: Lydia Vidot
  • Best Journal 2020: Kimberly Bonne
  • Best Project 2020: Nadine Louys
  • Best in Attendance: Angelo Laurencine
  • Best in Discipline 2020: Nelsha Valmont

 The Youth Ambassadors said that the course was eye-opening for them, where they not only had the opportunity to meet new people but also learned new things, which will help them in their everyday life. They expressed their pride in being able to complete the course and encourage other youths to also join this course.

Another twenty-six participants who attended the ELM’s INSIGHT program also received their Certificate of Attendance that evening. INSIGHT is a self-discovery course with the aim of helping an individual to go deep into their emotions and feelings and identify the issues that are stopping them to live the abundant life that God has given them. The intention is that at the end of the course, the participants are able to overcome any life-controlling problems they are struggling with and experience a transformation in their lives. Mr. Sandy Labrosse received the Transformation Award that night. The Transformation Award is given to the participant who has shown great change and transformation in their life after completing the course, something that Mr. Labrosse was very enthusiastic to experience. Ms. Jessica Moustache took the Most Improved Student Award and Ms. Veronique Sinon, the Bests Effort Award. Both showed great passion and devotion to improve on their lives.

During the ceremony, ELM also awarded a special award to one of its members who had shown great devotion and commitment towards the work of the ministry throughout the year 2020. This award went to Mr. Julio Freminot, a young and dynamic youth who had shown great discipline and obedience towards the service of the ministry. Mr. Freminot described himself as being blessed to have been introduced to ELM through the ‘Bring It On Talent Show’ in 2019, which prompted him to later join the ministry’s empowerment program. “The core fundamental belief and vision of the organization has helped me to see the truth about life and has brought about a great transformation and growth in my personal life” said Mr Freminot.

The ceremony that was held at the Augerine Small Hotel and Restaurant, was followed by a sumptuous dinner and fellowship amongst the guests, in-keeping with the social distancing regulations, whilst The Everlasting Love Ministry Band and harmonious Choir created an agreeable ambience with their beautifully delivered repertoire of songs.

2020 was a great year for the Everlasting Love Ministry, despite the challenges and the ministry looks forward to another exciting year of bringing about life-transforming impact in the lives of people, as well as materializing some of its pending strategic programs.



E.L.M. Staff

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