Overview of the INSIGHT program

A human being is a composite of three distinct components and that is the body, spirit and soul. Bible verse for reference – 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verse 23.

The body is the outer part which can be seen, whilst the soul is the inward part and the spirit, the innermost hidden part. Our soul, though unseen, is the real body. It is composed of our mind and emotions and it is where so many things are carried. It’s like a bag!

For the past years, Everlasting Love Ministry has been conducting a special program called INSIGHT which takes the participants on a journey to unfold this bag (soul) and to get rid of the things that are not required by the individual.

If we take the example of when packing a bag to go on a journey. We are limited as to what we can bring for this journey so therefore we would want to bring the things which are more important. The same goes for the soul, which is the most sensitive part of an individual, where all the emotions and feelings are. The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 to “guard our heart for out of it flows issues of life”.

We all go through different challenges in life; the most common being facing our emotions and feelings every day. From the time we wake up in the morning till we lie down in the evening, there is usually a situation that we have dealt with that involve our emotions and feelings. It’s an everyday challenge.

God doesn’t want us to live in ignorance. The Bible tells us in Hosea chapter 4 verse 6 that God’s people perish for the lack of knowledge. If we do not understand and know how to handle these feelings and emotions, we will be trapped in them and will not be able to experience the fullness of life that God has in store for us;  our lack of knowledge may even create setbacks for us.

INSIGHT is like a microscope that helps an individual to identify the tiny molecules that cannot be seen with the physical eyes and assist the person to acknowledge that they are there, as well as provide guidance on how to deal with them. That is, INSIGHT will bring the individual to the root of the problem and how to address it.

The INSIGHT program for this year lasted 4 weeks and below are a few topics that were highlighted;


All through the Bible, we find examples and encouragement that point towards the importance of understanding feelings. The Bible demonstrates that Jesus also had emotions and how he expressed them. Emotions has its good side as well as its bad side, but the important thing is how we express them. For example, when betrayed by someone, it can be hurtful and you may get angry and feel resentful towards that person; but what good does it do to you? The Bible teaches us that we need to learn to forgive and let go, just as Jesus teaches us.


An interesting part of the topic was the eye-opening Johari Window model, which is categorized by four areas:

1-Open: that which is known to me and openly shared with others.

2-Secret: that which I know but choose to hide from others.

3-Blind: that which others know about me, but I can’t see for myself

4- Subconscious: The part of me that is hidden to all



There are many things in life that we entangle ourselves in; some of which we are aware of and others we are unaware of. Many of us can have a life-controlling problem. A life controlling problem is anything that masters our life. We can be trapped in substance addiction, unhealthy relationships, behavior addictions etc…

The Word of God says in John chapter 8 verse 36 states that “whosoever the son sets free is free indeed”. Jesus died for us so we can live a free and abundant  life, and he made that possible through his death on the cross.

At the end of the program, the participants sat for an exam and they also had the opportunity to share their experience of how their lives have been impacted by what they have learned.

The last day of the program ended with a special service, which included a time of worship, followed by deliverance prayer where the participants were able to surrender all their emotions to Jesus, including the obstacles that were holding them back; Jesus is the only one who can deliver.  The session was a powerful one where many lives were restored.

To you who think there is no way out, where there is a will there is a way and Jesus is the only way!!!


Written by Prisca Constance

E.L.M. Staff

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