Training of ELM Workers

Ephesians 2v10: We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk with him.

As this scripture declares, we have been called to do good works for the kingdom of God!!

The Everlasting Love Ministry has its annual workers training which was held on Saturday 17th October 2020. The aim of this training was to train their members to better understand their role in ministry and protocols in reference to 1 Corinthians 14 verse 40 that says all things should be done decently and in order.

The Executive Chairperson of Everlasting Love Ministry, Mr. Jude Fred, conducted the training and it was done in three sessions. In the first session, the participants will pick a card with question and they were to answer openly by telling a story or share an experience. That was a way to get them to feel at ease and to bring a fun atmosphere to start with!



In the second session, the participants were able to learn about the church protocols.  There must be protocols in place in every institutions/organizations to establish order. In Acts chapter 2, on the day of Pentecost, the disciples were all in one accord in the upper room praying. They were told not to leave the place and wait and because they follow the protocol that was in place, they were able to experience the power of God on that day. This shows how important protocols are and why it needs to be applied. In line with this example, the participants were able to also learn and understand the structures that Everlasting Love Ministry has in place.


God is seeking for willing and teachable heart. The bible tells us that if we are willing and obedient, we will eat the best of the land. Sometimes we can be doing all the works but if your heart is not into it, it’s in vain. Reference was made on one of the well-known figure in the bible, Judas Iscariot and it was quoted;

“Judas had

The best pastor

The best leader

The best adviser,

The best counselor

Yet he failed.


The problem is not about leadership or the church you to go to, but it’s about character and attitude and only by adapting these two, that one can be good leader/ worker in the house of God.”

At the end of the second session, the participants met in their respective departments and they were able to discuss on the way and plan forward for each department according to the strategic plan 2020 – 2025. In Proverbs 29 verse 18 it is quoted that where there is no vision, the people perish and he that keeps that law, happy is he. In order to move forward with God and in the ministry He has called us in, we need to be women and men of visions. This was what the participants were able to do that afternoon, is to share their ideas and visions for the future. In conclusion to the training, all workers understood the vision of the Everlasting Love Ministry and the heart beat of God to reach out to the people of Seychelles by bringing Love and Hope to all that are lost and affected in various social ills especially those trapped in life controlling problem.


There is Hope!


E.L.M. Staff

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