Virtual Conference: Salt, Light and Glory


Marking the Second virtual conference for year 2021, Salt, Light and Glory conference was held from 02nd April 2021 till 4th April 2021 streaming online on YouTube. Guest speakers included Apostle Marlon Ryan MC Burke and Pastor Karl Labiche. Hosting the event, Apostle Jude Fred from Everlasting Love Ministry opened the conference with an introduction of the conference. The conference’s aim is to simplify and bring sense of Matthew 5 in the bible which illustrates the expectations of being a Christian which are to be the salt of the earth and light to the world. What does it mean for us to be salt and light?

Salt is a valuable source due to its multi functions; it is used as a preservative, to enhance flavor and in addition used as a disinfectant. By proclaiming and living the gospel we preserve the message of Christ and to enhance the lives of others. We are also aspired to be light of the world as in Matthew 5: 13-18 light not only refers to its purpose but also reflects the sense of being (a beacon of hope). Light cannot be hidden and it cannot be constraint to the church building. Therefore Christians are called to spread the love and glory of God in the community. Light needs to be brought before others and salt needs to be used for its different purposes or else it will be useless. If we meet the expectations of being the salt and light in the word, we reflect and manifest the glory of God.

To follow the conference:


Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:



Bible References:


Isaiah 60

Matthew 5

Matthew 4:16

Matthew 4

1 Corithians 4:17

Matthew 5: 15

Romans 8

Numbers 1:21

Psalm 72:19

Habbakuk 2:14

Romans 8:20-23


E.L.M. Staff

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